OK, first things first. My friend at work emailed this to me today. I'm still laughing. I love how the succinctness of it adds infinitely to the hilarity.
Besides this, here are some other varied amusements that I wanted to post about:
Fever Ray - Fever Ray: Crazy lady from the Knife's solo album. I dislike the lack of dancier beats (in comparison to the Knife), but she maintains the wonderful atmospheric edge. Fave tune is "Keep the Streets Empty for Me", mainly because of the rad flute (although the video for first single "If I Had a Heart" is pretty badass.
Dan Deacon - Bromst: I liked but didn't love his first album, although to clarify I loved a few songs but was lukewarm on the rest. I feel like those one works better on the whole, and there is a nice balance between his glorious hyper-looniness and more downtempo stuff that
Killzone 2: Oh my lord, I bought this yesterday and the graphics and sound effects probably top any game I've ever played. The gameplay is amazing as well, the multiplyaer super fast-paced, and the levels are killer. HIGHLY recommended.
Cormac McCarthy - Outer Dark: I'm also currently rereading Blood Meridian, but I picked up this one at the store the other day and, while it is definitely not in the same class as the aforementioned classic stylistically, the story (involving incest and 3 killers lurking in the forest) sounds intriguing to say the least.
ReplyDeleteI highly recommend everything associated with this
I love how on Bromst he programmed/wired up player pianos to play loops that no human could play. That owns.
ReplyDeleteAlso, I need to visit to play KZ2. Now.
Count it dude. I'm around this weekend if you can make it up. It really is amazing.