Now, it takes a lot to make me mad. Even more to make me angry, and few if any have ever seen me truly enraged. Right now I'm pretty pissed the fuck off. This is why:
So last week on a whim I checked out marketing jobs in Boston and the Boston area. Mind you, this was immediately after waking up, so I wasn't fully awake or anything. This tends to be the time of day that I do most of my job hunting and applying. Why? It's easy to wake up, grab the laptop off the floor, check the email and any postings that came in and just follow it from there. Well, I came across an ad seen in another posting
here. Now, my main thinking on this was "well, as a campaign worker I'm selling a candidate all day. I've done this stuff before, I do it well, why not take a stab at marketing?" So, I sent off my resume and stuff right away. Then I started researching the company. I didn't research first because who knows how many other applicants there are? Better get your stuff in faster and research later.
Well looking at their
website you see a modern, professional website. It looks snazzy. First thoughts: oh looks like they may be a good sized firm that has their shit together. I dig a little deeper and start looking at the individual pages. Something starts to seem off. What is the point of a corporate website? To instill confidence in the corporation to its potential clients and show off accomplishments. This site seems geared entirely towards those looking for jobs. Here ladies and gentlemen, we have Red Flag #1. Well, ok maybe thats not terrible, their site says they work on relationships with clients and direct sales. Sure, that makes sense. If you're approaching a company they might not care all that much for your website if they aren't looking in the first place, use it to attrack talent, especially when looking to expand like they say. Fair enough.
OK so then we come to Red Flag #2. I get an email within an hour or two. It's a form email signed by the "Human Resources Department" asking me to call THEM for an interview. What? Who requires that you call them for an interview? No one, that's who. But wait! They call me first! OK, so I have a resume that they think would compliment them well. AWESOME! Sounded legit on the phone I guess, so that's great. They want an interview with me on Tuesday at 2:30. Fantastic!
Now it is time for some deeper research on them to prepare for the interview. Onwards, to Google, Master of Company Lore! Wait, what the fuck? Red Flag 3: Googling Northeast Consulting, Inc shows up with nothing but job postings for the past 3 months. "Well, they did say they were looking to expand, it only makes sense that they're posting on all the different job sites, they could really find the cream of the crop so-to-speak." No big deal there. But... still, it goes for over 7 search pages and there's no press on them. Maybe they're a start up? Let's find out when they were started.
Ok, now I don't know if any of you are geeky enough to know that you can find out who owns websites and when they were registered with ease. Now, I hate the godaddy.com commercials as much as the next guy, but you can use their site to get all this information for free. The search is called a "whois" search. Well, turns out that their website was registered in 2008 by a website design company from Colorado or something. Fair enough. That fits the start up motife and the lack of any info on them, they haven't been around long! Great, so while there are a couple "Red Flags," what else have I got to do, get off Cape, go for an interview. What do I have to lose at this point? After all, googling "Northeast Consulting, Inc + Scam" turned up nothing. I also decided to check the Better Business Bureau's website. It turned up nothing on the name or website. I also checked some other companies that I know are real and legitimate, some of those didn't turn up either so I thought nothing of it.
So, I mention all this to my friend AJ from college. He mentions he had applied to something similar and found out it was a scam after he applied. He mentioned that it too was in Braintree, but was called Bdi or something. But so far as we knew, Braintree was the only similarity.
A few days pass, it is now Sunday night and it just isn't sitting well with me. By this point their whole presentation just doesn't feel right, no company should be presenting themselves. I read their email and note they specify what your dress code is. That's odd, shouldn't that be a test of your potential employee? Seeing how they present themselves? If they can't sell themselves, how can they sell your product or that of your client?
I ask AJ again for more details of this company he found out was a scam, and he doesn't respond for a bit, so in the mean time I look up marketing job scams. I found the holy fucking grail of marketing scam company listings
here. Reading through there's some good information. In the comments there's a list of known scams. Northeast Consulting isn't in there. Ok, I'm feeling alright about this. Then AJ responds. BSI Boston was the name of it he says. Well, scrolling down the comments further, lo and behold! BSI Boston is listed on that page. He asks me what the name of the person that called me was... sure enough. Same fucking lowlife. Now, when I got her name it sounded really lame and fake: Jen Jenson. I googled it, found nothing related to Northeast Consulting Inc initially. But its a real enough name, people have it. Fine. Now, she's related to a pre-existing scam. Fuck me.
I go find BSI Boston's website. The language and text are exactly the same on the Northeast and BSI sites. They're they same company. Scrolling further on the about.com page reveals that they recently changed their names and phone numbers.
I got pwned. Doomed to remain on Cape longer.
Now, I wasn't planning on writing this up, but Depo asked me to write up some stuff on job hunting and I want to make sure that google comes up with this whenever anyone searches for Northeast Consulting, Inc. I want people to know how fake this is and any further iteration that comes from 100 grossman ave, braintree, ma.
Also, Jen Jenson: Fuck you.
[Edit 09/03/09]: So it appears Jen Jensen and Andrea Anderson may in fact be different people. Good for them. That still doesn't excuse this company from their shady business practices. Scam or not, they're still out to screw people for their own gain. That is not OK in my book. I will not sit idle and allow people to spend money to interview or quit a job or relocate for this bullshit. I'd also like to take a moment to point out that this is the 2nd hit on google after their own website. Awesome.