So, as much as I despise Kobe, I really am enjoying the Spike Lee directed Kobe Doin' Work on ESPN. Basically, it is a beautfully shot chronicling of one game (Lakers vs. Spurs) basically done in real time, with Kobe narrating the game. What I find most fascinating is how analytical he is about the game, and how the program gives you the sense that Kobe's greatness is as much because of his ability to understand the game at a higher level, and make decisions based on this higher level understanding, better than other players as it is about his athletic abilities. I also appreciate that Spike Lee doesn't try at all to gloss over how douchey Kobe is to the refs (although I do have some misgivings as to Kobe being overall less of a chode because he knew he was being taped as well as Kobe's narration, since it is premeditated, not necessarily being an actual window into his mind as it s during the actual game). Overall though, it is super interesting if you have any interest in how high-level basketball is played. As a side note, this is kind of a rip off of a movie that came out a few years ago that basically followed Zidane's actions for a full 90 minute game (although he did not narrate, that would have been so awesome).
I've heard it described as a full-length, self-produced, halftime piece. I am a huge Kobe defender and even I am skeptical about it's even keeled-ness. But if it's just a narration of a game, it could be fine.