3. Kashyyyk
You may know Kashyyyk as the home of Chewbacca and his Wookiee crew. I know Kashyyyk as the giant Ewok Village ripoff, but less practical. Why would eight foot tall dog men need mile high tree houses? What are they hiding from? They have bowcaster blasters! For the love of God, Imagine how disgusting the bathroom situation must be...
2. Naboo
Jar Jar Binks was born here.
1. Cloud City, Bespin
Ugh... UGHHHHHHH. Cloud City bothers me so much. First off, what kind of moron stays on Cloud City after Space Pimp Lando wins it through a game of sabacc? Apparently, Cloud City is a resort, a resort that is 3/4 industry. Cloud City exports a highly flammable gas, which is refined underneath the high class hotels and casinos. This has to be a safety code violation Lando! Lando also has quite the supporting cast. The slave Ugnaughts are the oompaloompas to Lando's Willy Wonka, and then there is Lobot. The creepiest dude in the galaxy. I mean, look at him...
Honorable Mention: Skywalker Ranch
So much sadness in Lobot's eyes..