Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The supreme genius of Deadliest Warrior

File this under guilty pleasure. If you haven't been paying attention to Spike's quality programming (1000 Ways to Die leading the charge), you may have missed Deadliest Warrior.

Let me just say: there has never been a more perfect dude show. Ever.

In fact, it's as manly as great dude films like Predator and Rambo (but not quite Commando or Point Break) and makes us mere mortal men feel inferior for only having two balls.

The premise is simple. What would happen is quasi-historically accurate warriors fought one another in totally ludicrous battles? And what if we simulated it 1000 times, with a number of different weapons? Finally, why don't writers just quit their jobs? For a greater show can never be created.

In Samurai vs. Viking, we had the legendary Japanese fighter shoot a goddamn arrow in a dummy's fucking eye (go to about 3:30 in the video) -- twice. I challenge you to find something better on television. That includes anything on The Office.

Really though, this show's got it all: cheesy re-enactments, faux history, "science," computers, glorious arguments between supporters of each warrior, and high levels of violence.

But the crowning achievement of the show has to be how it changed my mind about the Indians vs. Vikings debate spawned by the feature film, Pathfinder. I, a staunch Viking supporter, have been converted. Apaches are fucking boss.

I can't argue with a guy named Snake Blocker.


  1. hahaha, SOOOO fuckin good, except i hated snake blocker, he was a douche... but ya, the arguments between the different warrior "experts" are the best thing ever... oh my

  2. Ok those were two of the most entertaining videos i've seen in months. I want, nay! Need! to see more of this.

  3. That looks so cool. A dude who I work with was telling me about it. Science + hilariously masculine pursuit = Awesome.

    Also, Blood Meridian, my all time favorite book, involves Apaches. I'm pretty sure I read that the book is relatively historically accurate, and the things Apaches did to torture people that they captured is utterly insane. As a direct result, they should totally win.
