Saturday, February 7, 2009


I am so amped that A-Rod took steroids, and not just because I hate him and can't wait to hear all the bad press he gets. Mainly, however, this story pleases me because now people won't be cheering for A-Rod to break Bonds' (aka the most electrifying performer in baseball entertainment history) all-time home run mark. Continuing in this line of thinking, I think this whole development forces everyone to realize how insanely systemic the issue of steroids was.

Furthermore, I think it is stupid if players don't make it into the Hall because of steroids. Fuck that, that's bullshit, what that smell like? My argument is that it is fully legal to get laser eye surgery or take "legal" muscle supplements, and any player that does these things to get an advantage might do better but won't be considered a cheater. The only difference is there is this stigma around steroids (obviously because they are pretty dangerous, although I imagine some of the legal muscle supplements aren't the most safe things you can put in your body), and I think the amount of difference they actually do is exaggerated because of this. A shit player can't become the next Bonds just by taking steroids. My point is that the idea of "natural" versus "unnatural" improvement is largely an artificial one in today's game (because of the above mentioned "legal" enhancements available to athletes), and furthermore the idea of a level playing field for players is silly, because obviously some players are "naturally" better than others. It makes no sense to ban a player from the Hall, even if he improved his game through an illegal method. If caught, the player should be penalized with suspensions and fines, but he shouldn't get this insane lifetime judgment. Should we then remove anyone from the Hall who ever used a spitball or used sandpaper to scuff the ball or did any number of illegal things to get ahead in baseball? No, that's insane, you would probably have to remove half the pitchers that pitched before 1950. Suck a nut baseball, FREE BARRY!

Dane Cook Sucks


Friday, February 6, 2009


The lame thing about modern scare-fests like Saw is that they use very little film technique in conjuring their scares. Most of it is done through the gory special effects, and I greatly resent that. When a film is able to build tension and get you freaked out without showing you explicitly what you are being freaked out about, I appreciate both my own reaction and the skill of the film-maker. For large portions of them, this was the case, as a couple living in a big country house in Romania are tormented by a group of unknown (and unseen throughout a majority (and, I should say, the better part) of the movie) malefactors. The film is in French and runs for a brief 77 minutes (which I must say was rather refreshing), during which time the pressure is just continually ratcheted more and more until it is nearly unbearable, at which point I was screaming at the TV in order to maintain my sanity. My major gripe with it was the fairly lame ending, but moreso the lack of any deeper themes. This is something that I loved about the Orphanage (which had a similar amount of tension (and a few moments of great gore, which I never resented)), which, despite being a horror movie, also was able to touch on more meaningful and poignant themes (life/death as well as the importance and role of memory in our lives). These issues kept Them from being a grade-A movie for me, but if you want to spend a solid 77 minutes on the edge of your seat, I recommend it.

Your official 51st Grammy Awards predictions!

Who gives a fuck.


Left 4 Dead DLC announced! I wonder if it will actually come to the 360, unlike the Team Fortress 2 updates... [Kotaku]

M.I.A. is nine months pregnant. And the baby is due Grammy night. Fuck it, people need "Paper Planes!" [Pitchfork]

I seriously spent a few hours clicking through these game covers re-imgined as novel covers. Favorites include Killer7, Left 4 Dead, Bioshock and Mirror's Edge. [NeoGaf]

H-O-R-S-E in the All-Star game? Fuck and yes. [Deadspin]

This is the week in L4D links. But these Valentines are truly adorable. [Destructoid]

Your Super Bowl MVP is kind of crazy. No, really crazy. [Deadspin]

Two words: bacon beans. [Amazon]

This interview with Lil Wayne by Katie Couric is surreal. "Gangstas don't ask questions." [Pitchfork]

I am sure that a 24-hour Arnold movie channel would be great. [Unreality]

The first Resident Evil 5 review is in! Tis good. [Kotaku]

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Kobe vs. Lebron

Up until a few minutes ago, I didn't much care for this debate. But I just had something of an epiphany on the matter that I felt the need to share. Kobe has two rings, yes, but Kobe won those two rings play with Shaq, another legit All-Star. Unless my memory is being very selective (which it very well could be), from then until last year, Kobe's Lakers struggled to some extent with him as the one star. Last year, they were doing well, but one could argue that they didn't really become great until Pau (who, if not a legit star, is pretty close).

Now, with Lebron, he has never, ever had another player near all star caliber on his team (barring this year with Mo Williams), yet he has led the Cavs to the Finals one year and, last year, came ever so close to upsetting the Celtics in the playoffs.

My point here is that both are certainly capable of dominating a game, but Lebron seems to be able to do so more consistently with less help. That is, if Pau Gasol and Verajao (or whatever the fuck his name is) changed teams, there is no way anyone is beating the Cavs. They have never had any type of interior scorer with Lebron on the time. Furthermore, I think Lebron would be able to integrate a good secondary scorer into the lineup better than Kobe has, since despite being a physically much bigger dude than Kobe, it seems like he gets at least as many assists.

Keep in mind too that my argument applies only currently. I think, unless Lebron goes seriously off the rocker or Kobe has a Bondsian later career, it would be very, very tough to argue that Kobe's career, when it ends, would be equal to Lebron's. As proof, just consider that Kobe's first few seasons (or at least maybe his first two) weren't particularly impressive, but Lebron's were pretty solid seasons, and he's just improved from there.

Side note: fuck Derek Fisher. His flopping antics got Garnett's sixth foul tonight.

PS Game just ended. Refs suck balls, fuck Kobe, fuck the Lakers, I hate them so much.

I'm Not There (I'm at Work)

I Finally saw I'm Not There this past weekend. In short, I dug it. I think you need to have a fair knowledge of Dylan to appreciate all of the interpretations (young black child), and you should be able to tolerate artsy weirdness, but it is a good movie.

I'm bringing this up because I am in love with a song on the soundtrack. "Goin' to Acapulco" covered here by Jim James and Calexico, is an ultimate jam. The original song is from Dylan & The Band's infamous Basement Tapes sessions, it is loose but the songwriting is there as always. The cover, is incredible. Jim James' voice and a great horn section turn a bland demo into something powerful.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

I used to live with this guy

Absolutely hilarious. Keene rules.

Personal favorite quote: "Well I guess there's this view of 'what's politically correct?' and I don't care about that."


Notes on tonight's Real World:

I don't think Scott has been programmed to have "feelings".

Please, please, PLEASE can we get some hotel room action? Rita CORNY!

On a related note, can we have less episodes about serious shit, and more about, OH I DON'T KNOW HOTEL ROOM ACTION MAYBE!!!?

Pop-punk band + Cyndi Lauper = HMMMMMMMM...I CAN'T BREATHE.

Re: The beer flavored Doritos commercial, I'm pretty sure if they actually did that they would probably make tons from the bro market alone.

I think Chet may be the only person over 15 that was saddened by the loss of TRL. And he was probably the most saddened of anyone under 15.

Rad "Chet" hat Chet. Self promotion is the new black.

Why was Devyn brought here? She has zero redeeming qualities and isn't hilarious in the least.

Strange, setting this episode on a certain date (9/11/2008) gives the show a certain sense of dated-ness, whereas usually when I watch an episode there is this general feeling that the episode is occuring simutaneously with real time. To take this further, I find it unsettling when I consider that these episodes are culled together from various events within a general but non-specific and not even linear time frame. And to take this a step further, I find it very difficult to consider these people's lives as television products, that these events have been compiled and show in a certain way to give a sense of causality or highlight certain themes or patterns that may or may not exist in the reality of the cast members (of course, my use of the terms "cast members" instead of people is itself interesting here).

Suck it Steelers fans

O'Reilly vs Bale

This is hilarious.

Don't Hassle the Hoff

<a href="" target="_new" title="Don&#39;t Hassel the Hoff">Video: Don&#39;t Hassel the Hoff</a>

Who's going to play the Super Bowl halftime show when classic rock legends die/quit?

Was a conversation I was having with my dad when we were talking about the Boss. Seriously, what happens when all the 50 and over bands hang em up? Here are the performers since 2002:

Shania Twain/No Doubt/Sting
Janet Jackson/Justin Timberlake/Nelly/Kid Rock/P. Diddy
Paul McCartney
Rolling Stones
Tom Petty
Bruce Springsteen

Except for that '02-'04 span (and U2 ain't getting any younger), all those were people my parents love/grew up with. There's nothing wrong with that, and I see why - the NFL audience is older white people - but there is going to come a time real soon when those acts are going to retire.

And then what happens?

There are certain criteria that the Super Bowl halftime act of say 2015 must have:
  • Friendly to whites. This is key as all the NFL big wigs are Caucasian stuffed shirts and cannot be offended by those "hip hop" acts or any musical acts that have released less than like 20 albums. I don't understand how Nelly and Kid Rock slipped through the cracks.
  • Pop, rock or nothing. Maybe Opera or some lounge singing or something, but there is little wiggle room here. Sure, pop and rock are all encompassing, but they also eliminate a ton of possibilities.
  • Controlability/predictability. Ever since the legendary Janet Jackson incident (which was probably the most memorable moment since U2's post-9/11 tribute), acts have to be as clean as possible. No crazy Axl Rose-types allowed.
With those in mind, here are my guesses.

Coldplay - 90%

The biggest no-brainer on the list. Their newest album really blew the mainstream doors open for them and that Apple ad doesn't hurt. Their whiteness level is huge, they are friendly-looking (and Chris Martin is an activist to boot!) and perform big pop/rock anthems. Done and done.

Kanye West - 65%

West loses points for predictability as he may be one of the craziest dudes on the planet and giving him the Super Bowl stage may a terrible, terrible mistake. But he's the most white-friendly rapper alive and is arguably the biggest hip-hip act around.

Radiohead - 30%

They may be somewhat of a long-shot, but this year's Grammy's will help to expose to a whole new set of out-of-touch white people. I could totally picture them playing a halftime show when I have kids and me telling them how they were fucking badass they are.

Rihanna/Beyonce - 80%

A double-bill of these two would be a great idea. They make up for a slight lack of white-friendliness with hotness, which is the universal language. Both highly recognizable and safe. Once the censors lighten up about that whole Janet thing, they'll perform - and sooner rather than later.

The Jonas Brothers - 66%

The only reason they aren't closer to 100% is that their window is small. By this time next year, pre-teen girls could be obsessed with someone else. It's pretty much next Super Bowl or bust. There is a precedent for this, as NSync and New Kids have done it in the past.

Lil Wayne - 15%

In reality, this is a pretty big longshot. He is not white-friendly (tattoos!), his raps are fairly profane, and he is nipping at the heels of Kanye for craziest mainstream musician on the planet. But with the Grammy's coming up and the Couric interview (bowling!), along with tons of radio play and a huge 2008 album, he's got a chance.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

I Quit, I, I, I Quit

About a month ago, I quit soda, cold turkey. I realized that it just wasn't a healthy choice now or in the future. It wasn't as if I was consuming it 24/7, but it was at least once a day. Be it at work when I start to crash in the afternoon, or at home melting in front of the TV, soda was in my hand. It was mixed with my booze at night, and helped cure the hangover the next morning. I miss it more than I imagined I would, and I am embarrassed to say so.

I miss a nice fountain Coke at a restaurant, fizzing, loaded with ice. I miss the ultra sweet Cherry Mountain Dew, a loyal companion to many late nights. Shopping for a drink isn't the same anymore. There are only so many flavors of juice, there's a new soda every week it seems. Whiskey and water is not delicious. Coffee sucks ass. Seeing friends enjoy it hurts. I haven't relapsed, and I don't plan on it (unless Surge comes back!). The temptation is there (be strong Gail), but no means no. The next thing you know I'll be vegetarian.

Soda, you were my real good buddy. I love you, God loves you.

Weekly Mojo

This week's killer shit:


The Stooges - Fun House: I love Iggy's solo stuff but really dislike Raw Power (despite being producd by D-Bow himself), so I didn't think I would much like Fun House (the Stooges' second album and precedent to Raw Power). Where Raw Power trades in high energy, in-your-face proto-punk, Fun House musically is a bit more relaxed musically, and at times almost droney. My favorite aspect is how primal and animalistic it all seems, as half of Iggy's seems to be nonsensical shrieking and screaming. Experimental in parts, vintage classic rock in others (the first song has an absolutely killer riff), but always grade A tuneage.

Passion Pit - Chuck of Change: Billed by one article I read as this year's MGMT (this did nothing to endear them to me), Passion Pit is a Boston-based band specializing in solid electro-pop that, even on their six (seven, but one is a remix) song EP show nice versatility with the rad Fujiya & Miyaga soundalike "I've Got Your Number" and undeniable jam "Sleepyhead", which reminds me of a tamer Crystal Castles.

Dennis Wilson - Pacific Ocean Blue: Every time I go back to this album, I enjoy it a bit more. Wilson's only solo album gives the listener an at-times unsettling view into the sleazy early 70's LA world Wilson inhabited shortly before his death. However, there is also undeniable beauty, especially with album opener "River Song" (about a need to get away from city living) and the penultimate track "Rainbows". However, for every seemingly carefree jam, there is a "Pacific Ocean Blues" to dampen the mood. Sample line: "It's no wonder/that the Pacific Ocean is blue".

The Edge Of Heaven - I just watched this German/Turkish film tonight after reading a bunch of good reviews and seeing it on a lot of year-end lists. It was pretty solid, very artsy and deliberate, which I can find troublesome and there were some very nice, poignant scenes throughout. Overall, probably a B, but on Wigcritic, I would guess a 0, 10 max (boom roasted).

Just finished Blood Meridian and Consider the Lobster and both owned to no end. Right now I'm reading Lolita by Nabokov, which is maybe the most beautifully written book I've ever read. I feel like I should take an hour on each page just to unpack all the insane metaphors and references he uses.

TV: Real World tomorrow, time to set it off.

Let the Ruff Ryders Roll

"like getting a tooth removed"


Pride and Predjudice and Zombies

Couple links for the day


Couple quick hits for today

Christian Bale goes crazy on the set of Terminator Salvation. Then it gets remixed.

Teleportation (at least of data) is becoming a reality.

Interesting blog that does some in-depth analysis of Battlestar Galactica episodes as they air. Shows just how deep the writing is.

Some interesting analysis of spending on Senate races in 2008. $23 per vote in NH for both candidates. Skewed of course because of the population size.

"I am become Death, the destroyer of teams"

This is just hilarious. Enjoy.

Monday, February 2, 2009

TeeVee: 1 line review edition

By network:


Fringe: I haven't watched an episode of this, I've only seen commercials. But already I know it sucks and its a ripoff of the xfiles without David Duchovney and Gillian Anderson. He probably wasn't around because he was off indulging in his sex addiction, and she dropped off the face of the earth and hasn't clawed her way back to the surface.

House: Growing tired, still witty, but apart from that, the same as every hospital show out there. Except this one has Kal Penn and a british dude imitating an american accent.

24: Jack Bauer was just elected chairman of the RNC and this is now their PR arm. But if it isn't addictive, I don't know what is. I've heard they're using it to ween people off of heroin. Also, Janeane (whatever) Garafalo should stick to comedies and WHAS sequels.

American Idol: I think we saw this 5 years ago. And 4 years ago. And 3, 2, and last year. 


The office: Good as ever.

30 rock: I've only seen a couple episodes so I can't comment much.

Chuck: I watched 5 minutes of this tonight in 3d. All I know is that there was a grenade labled IG-88 in a best buy-like store. I may be only one of 3 people on this blog that got the reference. They get props for that.


Battlestar galactica is the greatest show ever made. Everything else on that network sucks.s another day.

Super Bowl Recap

Great, great game last night. I think my favorite part was the post-win very-drunk-Big-Dog telephone conversation (which began with "WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO"). Some comments re: the glory that was:

1. When are they going to get Bowie to do the halftime show? I would love that to no end. He's so nuts that it would undoubtedly be amazing, especially if it was stipulated that he had to wear his Ashes to Ashes video costume.

2. No gadget plays from the Wizard??? LAME! It was too bad he didn't have a 1st and goal from 2 gadget play (BOOM ROASTED).

3. I think a lot of this resentment is because I've been reading reader comments on ESPN articles about the game all day, but I'm so tired of hearing people complain about the calls in the game. I think the Burress catch, Harrison TD, and Roethlisberger TD (reversed) were all basically judgment calls. All went the Steelers way originally (and in my attempting-to-be-objective opinion, they all looked like they should have), and I thought all 3 were too close to overturn. Regarding the roughing the passer on the Cardinals, that has gotten called all year. Is it lame. Fuck yes! Should it be called like it has been all year? Fuck yes! I thought one call that was pretty iffy that totally almost reamed the Steelers was the hold in the endzone. That was really borderline, in my glorious opinion, and that iffiness was multiplied by the fact that the Steelers would have been much closer to putting that game away if it was a no-call. Admittedly, if I was a Cards fan, I would have been ripshit about the lack of a review on the game ending fumble, but apparently the booth looked at it and thought it didn't have to be reviewed.

4. I'm sure I'm beating a dead horse, but any lingering haters of Big Ben should be silenced after that ludicrous last drive. Despite a sieve-like offensive line, he evaded a sack on nearly every play on that drive (which probably took about 10 years off of my life) and led the Steelers on a drive that I will delight in seeing highlights of for years to come. I still can't believe how well that last drive went considering how much pressure he was under on every play. Unbelievable.

5. James Harrison is the scariest (and, maybe, best) dude ever. In addition to the obvious great play, I think he forced the Cards' O-line into at least two or three holds (one of which involved him being held so blatantly that, despite there being nobody (and only about two feet) between him and Warner, he was unable to get to him).

6. I was surprised the Steelers didn't try and run more during the third quarter. It would have set up the play-action for Ben and I think if they had stuck with it more (and what reason did they have not to, since they were up), they could have probably worn down the Cards' D.

7. A lot of people made a big deal about the Steelers defense falling apart in the fourth quarter, but considering how insanely good Warner is against the blitz and the talent of the receivers he was throwing to, I think it would be hard for anyone to stop them from getting a first down if they have four downs to do it and are going to throw every down (which was essentially the situation for the whole fourth quarter). I don't know why they ever tried to run the ball. The only thing that killed me about the Steelers D was the Fitzgerald catch-and-run, which was a hideous break-down.

8. So much historical foresightedness going on. ESPN's top 10 last night were the best plays in Super Bowl history. 3 from this game were on there. Sorry Larry, but your catch was not a top 10 play. Maybe if it was the game winner, but since it wasn't, I think not. Harrison's INT, I think, should be. That was so nuts in so many ways, and I think Holmes' catch deserved a top-2 place. Tyree's was probably better (more insane and even though it wasn't a TD, I'm pretty sure it saved the game, as it was 4th down). However, ESPN was saying best Super Bowl ever. I haven't seen every Super Bowl, but I feel like this one had too many lulls in great action to be the best (definitely the best I've seen though, but I'm biased). And I might even argue that it could be the best 4th quarter in a Super Bowl ever, what with the wild comeback and then the drive to end all drives.

All in all though, an amazing game for a Steelers fan, and I thought a pretty fun game for a neutral.

I didn't see this at the time, but man is it great

Post Partisanship my ass, or why Democrats need to run train in the legislature

Why are the Democrats wasting their efforts in attempts to appease the republican minority? History shows that under democratic majorities jobs are created and the economy expands. We've seen under Reagan, and both Bushes that their tax decrease only plans fail to do either of things, and we've seen that the Reaganomics hands off deregulation of our large businesses and banking systems just doesn't work. There needs to be oversight. Tax breaks aren't going to solve this problem. Money needs to be spent, and it gives us a great opportunity to overhaul our national infrastructures. If we are in a liquidity trap, as Paul Krugman believes, then no lowering of taxes will help. 

The policies put forth during the campaign in 2008 offer a lot of solutions to many of our problems. A true green revolution lead by government funds would provide billions in contracts for new wind turbines, hydroplants, and solar cells. An injection of capital into the system in this way would create 10s of thousands of jobs over the next year. Manufacturing, contracting, sales associates, construction, maintanence, you name it. This is also a great opportunity to phase out our coal fired power plants. There's no such thing as clean coal, even Obama shouldn't be catering to that. West Virginia and other coal producing states need to get over their dependence on coal and develop other industries, he no longer needs their votes, so he should stop pretending that it is a solution to something.

Carbon sequestration has a multitude of issues, not to mention the fact that it hasn't even been implemented anywhere in the world on a massive scale. It leads to the acidification of ground water, the creation of carbonic acid, plus you have mercury and uranium that are released in the ash, which you still have to deal with, the C02 is only part of the problem. The TVA disaster a few weeks ago should highlight the issues at hand with this problem. Additionally, the coal mining is increasingly taking the form of mountain top removal. The scenic areas of appalachia are disappearing because of this method. With little industry, what are they going to leave behind for future industry? They need mountains intact or down the road there will be no tourism, no reason for anyone to visit or bring money into the state. That is a significant problem.

Democrats were giving a huge victory in the election for a reason. Because the Republicans aren't willing to make these changes happen, they stick to the same tired policies that have failed in the past. As soon as Democrats came to power they started with the same complaints and hypocritical attacks they've used in the past. Democrats are going to raise taxes, spend your money, put into place a welfare state, and expand the government. Of course they ignore the fact that our government on every level is bankrupt, they just presided over the biggest expansion of our government in decades, and that it was their policies that have led to the destruction of 40% of the worlds wealth in the past two years. 

The faster the new legislature stops pretending to cater to this old mentality, the sooner we'll make progress. The current stimulus bill sucks. They need to forgive student debt and provide money to prevent home foreclosures and help people refinance mortgages through the government. That would see a significant improvement on the financial pressures that people are under. But as it stands, the bill sucks. No doubt about that, but after 1/3 of that bill becoming tax cuts to attempt to appease Republicans in a Chamberlainesque concession, there is going to be no solution short of letting them write it that would bring them on board. They lost bad, they're losing constituents and they're swinging further right to try to maintain their base support. That is a big mistake for a party that is already becoming regionalized. They need to move to the center to do that and they aren't. Their picking of Steele as RNC chairman smacks of the same desparation of the pick of Sarah Palin. This is a man who bussed in homeless black people from Philadelphia to basically work for his campaign for free in Baltimore and took advantage of them. He also passed out sample ballots that listed himself and the Republican candidate for governor as democrats attempting to trick voters. They're certainly blazing a new trail in the post partisan era. If Democrats don't run train on their asses, then things are just going to get worse.

Week in the knees


The Super Bowl: It went from being pretty boring (I wanted the Cards to win due to deep-seeded Steeler hate) after Harrison's TD return, to pretty great in the fourth quarter. I feel there were a few calls that fell the Steelers' way (Warner's last "fumble" not reviewed? Really?), but the Cards had the lead late and could not stop them. All in all, a solid game. Only a few days until pitchers and catchers!

Other than that, the cable in my room is dead so I don't watch TV much. Although I am curious to see the CollegeHumor show on MTV soon. I have a feeling it will be bad.

Video Games:

So I beat the new Prince of Persia and felt it was a very good experience. It is a very different game, and I think one that future titles may crib things from. Not being able to "die" in the traditional sense (your ethereal lady friend will save you from all falls and enemy death blows) is very odd and did take away from the urgency of fighting somewhat. But since games are moving in the "everyone can play, wheeeeeeee" direction, I think more games are going to use the "can't really die" mechanic. I know I would have liked it in Mirror's Edge.

But it kept all the wallrunning flowing and is better than looking at a load screen and feeling like a dumbass. Plus, there is an achievement for being rescued less than 100 times (which I did not get, but I didn't know that until the end), so I had motivation not to die.

Condemned: Criminal Origins: This is an oldy that I picked up for $5 over the summer on a whim. It's a first-person game where shooting is not the focus - melee is. Bloody, teeth-knocking, 2x4 with nails usin', awesome melee. It never gets old bashing hobos with a locker door or a lead pipe.

But more than that, there is this weird serial killer plot and crime scene aspects - such as using a black light to find blood trails and this scent thingy to find chemical trails - that make the game unique, especially for it's time. It was quick (8 hours) and the graphics showed their age, but there are some great scares and jump moments. I am glad I played it and would even pick up the sequel on the cheap.

Portal (Orange Box): Yes, I just played this game for the first time. I had played a few levels and the flash version before, but I never got around to firing it up on the Orange Box. I am glad I did.

For anyone who doesn't know, Portal is a ridiculous puzzle game that focuses on momentum and physics. You shoot two portals (one leads to the other) in first-person view to hit switches, jump over shit and generally feel awesome as you move around the map. It's as short as hell, but challenging and I found myself wrapped up in the quirky plot of a HAL 9000-like robot messing with you. There is a lot of very funny writing and it's a game that everyone should play.

Dear FPS developers, make a fucking portal gun in all your games. Please.

But I Would Not Feel So All Alone...

This made me almost as happy as watching the Steelers win.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

My thoughts on this: "PH"

Count it?

The Right Direction 2/1/09

This should point you in the right direction.