Thursday, February 12, 2009

Space Cadet

I'm not sure if he's acting or not, but this is hilarious.


  1. One of the greatest T.V. moments ever. The gum thing takes it to another level. And Paul's "maniacal laughter."

    Whatever this is - drugs, best joke ever, an elaborate commentary on Hollywood or totally real - I am glad it exists.

  2. damn, he was seriously fucked up! to be sympathetic though, letterman was being a douche for the second half... and you could see pheonix getting pissed.

  3. I don't think you can really blame Letterman at all here. He has to try and get an interview out of this guy, and he is saying nothing. This is just a prime example of why Letterman is great, the dude won't put up with bullshit.

  4. Letterman also has a rep for dishing it out if you dick around on his show. He left a chalk outline of Paris Hilton when she came on out of "prison."
